Personal Development Coaching

Your plan may include assessments, reading material, homework assignments, and reflection. During our appointments, I will bring questions designed to get to the bottom line. I provide accountability, support and insight. Expect to encounter difficulty as you would expect if you partner with a physical trainer. Inner blocks, unhealthy patterns, and inconsistencies may appear. Good News! Because you’re working with a coach, you’ve changed the game and you will be equipped to push through them and create sustainable change

Personal Development Coaching Package:

90-minute introduction session

5 - 8 One hour coaching sessions

Recommended assignments, podcasts, reading materials, exercises, etc…

Text/email support

Energy Leadership Index Assessment & debrief

Packages begin at $1,475

Want more information? Schedule an introduction conversation to discuss how coaching can work for you. Complete the form on this page to submit your questions.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
— George Eliot