In-person and virtual training events to increase you and your team’s leadership abilities and effectiveness
All workshops tailored to fit your organization’s unique situation and needs
Workshop Offerings
Navigating Conflict
All dynamic teams experience conflict. Learn skills to transform conflict into a productive and necessary process of team cohesion and development.
Conflict uncovers below the surface issues that once addressed, can unlock success
Workplace Culture
Transform your workplace culture to one of trust, support, has honest communication, and one that is value driven. A contagious, energetic culture draws and retains top talent and yields innovative solutions.
Difficult Feedback
Often we avoid feedback and view it as negative or confrontational. Excel at giving supportive yet honest feedback that empowers your team. Consequently, you will create the environment where you gain the necessary feedback you desire.
Coaching Skills
Add this essential skill set to your leadership acumen. Coaching your team involves increased personal awareness, active listening, individual accountability, trust and more. Become the leader that maximizes those around you so everyone wins.
Leadership Style
Understand different approaches and theories towards leadership. More importantly, identify which style matches your personality and values. You can shift your leadership style as needed to address a specific challenge or meet organizational demands.
Leadership is not a one size fits all endeavor.
Appreciative Inquiry
Acquire the science-based approach that prioritizes maximizing strengths and identifying opportunities. Research shows implementing appreciative inquiry yields improved performance, project buy-in, team cohesion, and innovative solutions. A workplace culture game changer that unlocks untapped potential.
Virtual Teams
Hybrid and virtual teams are today’s reality and challenge. This course will introduce new approaches that facilitate cohesive and engaged virtual teams. Gain strategies for drawing out essential communication, collaboration, problem solving and accountability.
Build Engagement & Overcome Resistance
Every organization and team experience resistance, especially when faced with change. If you are not encountering resistance, then you are not leading. Learn how to recognize resistance in multiple forms and address it with clear honest conversation. Leverage the resistance to gain buy in and engagement.
Energy Leadership Mindset
Everyone knows that person who drains the energy and life from the room. Understand how to harness energy to achieve success in the workplace, home and in the world at large. You will recognize seven distinct levels of your unique energy profile and develop the ability to shift your internal energy to meet any leadership challenge and inspire others to achieve peak performance and innovation.
Vision & Values Alignment
Often the organization’s vision, mission and values statement only reside in the employee handbook or entryway wall. However dynamic organizations use them as guide posts to direct their decisions, select and retain talent and evaluate performance. They serve as the how and why you do what you do. This workshop will uncover your best guideposts and train your team to infuse them into your culture.
Elevate Performance With A Mastery Perspective
Implement what professional athletics utilize when improving performance. Over-attention to outcomes causes performance to decline. Rather developing and adhering to an agreed methodology gives incremental and sustainable growth. Our outcomes improve as we trust the process.
Time Management
Effective time management is more than setting goals and prioritizing tasks. It involves learning how to navigate interruptions, maintain motivation, overcome obstacles, and establish clear boundaries and limits of authority. Effectiveness is more to do with inner transformation than external tools.